Monday 29 November 2010

The Target audience for my magazine...

Evaluation of my questionnaire...

For my evaluation i got 8 females to answer my questionnaire and 2 males as it is mainly targeted at the female population, this would result in getting more suitable and appropriate answers.
   80% of the readers would prefer to have a weekly magazine. I would prefer this too as it would mean not having to cram as much information into the front cover.
    Out of the 80% that would prefer a weekly magazine , 60% of them would spend £2-£3 on the magazine, the remaining 20% would spend £0-£1 on the magazine which I personally think is too little because everything that would go into making the magazine would be of high quality. The 20% that would prefer a monthly magazine would spend £4-£5 on the magazine.
    40% of the people that carried out my questionnaire would like to see a solo artist as the main image on the front cover. The following 30% would like to see a girls band and the other 30% would like to see a boy band on the front cover. I intend using a solo artist because you can concentrate more on the little details with just 1 model.
   The favourite masthead was Bassline which picked up 7 votes the remaining 3 votes went to Rhythm. I personally prefer Bassline so that will be the masthead i will be choosing.

My reader Profile ...

Still studying-69%
work fulltime-31%
Married and living with partner-23%

Big Spenders

£45 on i-tunes a month
£15 on CD's a month
92% own a ipod

Gigs and events...

96% love gigs and attend regulary
Attend at least 2 festivals a year
56% are tempted to buy things they have seen advertised

Mission statement....


FE productions new project Bassline is a new kind of pop magazine. Bassline is set at the 18-30 mindset.
Bassline readers have passion for music and know exactly what and where they want to go in life.
Bassline contains all the elements that able's the reader to keep upto date with the latest songs and goss.

Music Fan Profile...

Pop music..

Age : 18-30

What would they wear?...

Women: they would mainly where dazzling things like sequin dresses with diamond rings. Not 'chavy' but classy. The heels make the outfit they have to be eye catching and as high as possible.

Classy To Trashy...

They start there night off looking glamorous. Backcombed hair, Extravagant makeup done up to the nines.Strutting there stuff with figure hugging clothing. They get to the club and start on the jagerbombs, wkd's etc. Boys looking at them left right and centre, offering to buy drinks for them trying to get them drunk as they no they are to good for them so by getting them drunk they put their 'drunk googles' on and they may then be in with a chance with them, they except and end up 'legless'. They then start to eye up the typical 'chocolate boy' wearing timberland boots, jeans, and a Lyle and Scott knitwear jumper, which is usually two sizes too small to show off ' their guns.

What would they listen to?

They would listen to dance, pop things that just got them dancing like Lady Gaga, Justin Bieber, Akon, Cheryl Cole etc.

Would Usually wake up with a serious hangover, Make up down there face, hair a complete mess just generally feeling Minging. Something like this....

Magazines I like.....

 I like this front cover because of the main image and i also liked the use of the prop, obviously i would use something more music related but I will take into consideration of using a prop.
I like this front cover because of the main image, the angle of her body and the way they have placed the picture on top of the Masthead
I like this front cover because the main image really attracts your eye because of what seems to be made out as blood on her mouth.

This is personally my favourite magazine front cover that i researched because it attracts the female population by using feminine colours which is what i intend to do. I also like the colour theme of pink white and black. I would change aspects of it to make it into more of a music magazine.

Wednesday 17 November 2010

Questionnaire for my music magazine...

  1.) Are you male or female?



2.) How old are you?

  •17-19 years old

  •20-22 years old

  •23-25 years old

3.) How often do you buy a magazine?

  •1-2 times a week
  •3-4 times a week

  •5-6 times a week



4.) Would you prefer the magazine to be monthly or weekly?



5.) How much would you pay for a music magazine? ( if you choose weekly then the amount you would spend on a magazine a week and vise versa)



6.) What would you prefer to see on the main image?

  •Girl band

  •Boy band

  •Solo artist

7.) Which masthead would you prefer?

 • Baseline

 • Spin





 •Any other idea’s (state)


8.) If you were to buy a music magazine what would you expect to see?


Wednesday 10 November 2010

My analysis of my school magazine front cover....

My school magazine roughly took two and a half to three hours to produce and complete.
I think my masthead ' New's weekly' is an appropriate choice as it seems precise and formal.
The only thing that I thought was, it didnt really related to KingHenry, and if you were to see
it on display you wouldnt no that it was a school magazine. The word ' Weekly' states that it
would be an issue that is sold each week. The Masthead is in yellow which stands out off the page, it also has a black highlited background which makes it look more like a magazine. The colour of my masthead is also associated with King henry's new uniform colours. I orginally had my masthead so that The 'N' of News was a capital letter and the rest was in lower case, and the 'W' in weekly was a capital letter and the rest in lower case, but I looked at it and noticed it didnt really look right so i decided to put all the writing in capital letters because it stood out more and fitted the page better.
     For my main image I used three 6th formers. I said for them to have folders as made them look more intellectual and studious. I used 6th formers not only because it was easier because they had free's and it would mean desturbing lessons, it was because they were the age range of my target audience.
     The slogan across my main image said ' New 6th formers seettling down to be the best year so far!' I wrote it in yellow as all my other stories were typed in red so i thought it would look better if it was a different colour to the rest of them. Looking back i don't think it really worked although it worked well with fitting in with the colour sceme it didnt really stand out if anything it blended in.
     The first of my slogans was A picture of three 6th formers holding their results. I don't think
i took enough time with taking this subsidary image as it could of been alot better. The story
matched my photo, the story being ' A level exam records reaches new records '. I decided to
put a yellow outline around my picture as it made it stand out. I also did the same to my other
subsidary image because of the same reason. My second picture contained Year 7's playin rugby, in the picture they were practising line outs. I really liked this micture becasue the rest of my magazine was based on the more intellectual side of school and then this picture shows the sporty side of the school.
    I had one more sell line to put on. Originally I put it going across the bottom but i thought
it didnt really look right so i decided to move it to the top of the page. The sell line was
'Ex pupil rises to fame due to commonwealth glory'. The writing was wrote in white because i put a red high lighted block behind it was red and the white really stood out.
   If i had a chance to go back and change my magazine i would change the sell line going across the middle of the page because admittedly i didnt spend enough time on it. I would also retake the one subsidary image that included the three 6th formers and take it were there is better natural lighting.

Sunday 7 November 2010

My rough draft if my front cover....

Photography planning...

Shoot Date & Time : 18/10/10 11:00

Description: Two groups of year 7's were out playing football and

Where:        King Henry VIII School field

Models:       Year 7 boys and Mr Jenkins

Props:          Rugby balls , footballs

Shoots:        Action shoot of a group of year 7 boys pratising their
                   scrums and line outs. Then there was two teams of year
                   7 boys playing a game of football. All of them dressed in their
                   full pe kit.

Results of my questionnaire....

The questionnaire was given out to 10 pupils which had a range of ages and gender.
   One of my questions was ' how much would you be willing to spend on a magazine?'
The most popular price was £1-£2 and then the second popular was £0-£1, I thought i
would price my magazine at 80p as i think thats the appropriate price for a school
   The most common masthead that was choosen was Henrys gossip, picking up 6 votes.
News weekly picked up 3 votes and King henry's herald with 2 votes. Although News weekly
wasn't the favourite one,I think it is alot more formal and appropriate.
   For question 8, 'what subsidary image would you prefer' Pupils playing sport was the
 favourite, 8 pupils picked this option. The remaining 2 votes went to 6th formers with their results.
 So these two pictures will be featuring on my magazine cover.
   For question 9, ' What headline would you prefer ' The most commonly picked one was ' Ex pupil
rises to fame due to her commonwealth glory.' This picked up 9 votes the 1 remaining vote went to
' Year seven's survival guide'. Ex pupil rises to fame due to her commonwealth glory' will defiantely
be published on my front cover because i think its an intresting headline, it stands out and also
makes you want to read on.

Thursday 4 November 2010

My questionnaire..

Questionnaire......( Please circle if applicable)
1.)  Are you male or female?

2.)  What year are you in?
Year 7-8
Year 8-9
Year 9-10
Year 10-11
Year 11-12
Year 12-13

3.)  Have you ever bought a magazine?

4.)  How often do you buy a magazine?
1-2 times a week
2-3 times a week
3-4 times a week
4-5 times a week
5-6 times a week
6-7 times a week

5.) How much would you be willing to spend on a magazine?

6.)  What topic of magazine do you prefer?
Home and Leisure
Other (please state)

7.)  What masthead would you prefer for a magazine about King henry VIII?
Henry's Gossip
Henry's News
King Henry's Herald
KHS Weekly
News Weekly
Other (Please state)

8.)  What subsidary image would you prefer?
Pupil's playin sport
Pupils in the art rooms
6th formers with their exam results
The mess of the bulding site
Other (please state)

9.)  What headline would you prefer?
Ex pupil rises to fame due to her commonwealth glory.
Year seven's survival guide.
Dangers in the school due to building on site.
Other (please state)