Wednesday 17 November 2010

Questionnaire for my music magazine...

  1.) Are you male or female?



2.) How old are you?

  •17-19 years old

  •20-22 years old

  •23-25 years old

3.) How often do you buy a magazine?

  •1-2 times a week
  •3-4 times a week

  •5-6 times a week



4.) Would you prefer the magazine to be monthly or weekly?



5.) How much would you pay for a music magazine? ( if you choose weekly then the amount you would spend on a magazine a week and vise versa)



6.) What would you prefer to see on the main image?

  •Girl band

  •Boy band

  •Solo artist

7.) Which masthead would you prefer?

 • Baseline

 • Spin





 •Any other idea’s (state)


8.) If you were to buy a music magazine what would you expect to see?


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