Wednesday 10 November 2010

My analysis of my school magazine front cover....

My school magazine roughly took two and a half to three hours to produce and complete.
I think my masthead ' New's weekly' is an appropriate choice as it seems precise and formal.
The only thing that I thought was, it didnt really related to KingHenry, and if you were to see
it on display you wouldnt no that it was a school magazine. The word ' Weekly' states that it
would be an issue that is sold each week. The Masthead is in yellow which stands out off the page, it also has a black highlited background which makes it look more like a magazine. The colour of my masthead is also associated with King henry's new uniform colours. I orginally had my masthead so that The 'N' of News was a capital letter and the rest was in lower case, and the 'W' in weekly was a capital letter and the rest in lower case, but I looked at it and noticed it didnt really look right so i decided to put all the writing in capital letters because it stood out more and fitted the page better.
     For my main image I used three 6th formers. I said for them to have folders as made them look more intellectual and studious. I used 6th formers not only because it was easier because they had free's and it would mean desturbing lessons, it was because they were the age range of my target audience.
     The slogan across my main image said ' New 6th formers seettling down to be the best year so far!' I wrote it in yellow as all my other stories were typed in red so i thought it would look better if it was a different colour to the rest of them. Looking back i don't think it really worked although it worked well with fitting in with the colour sceme it didnt really stand out if anything it blended in.
     The first of my slogans was A picture of three 6th formers holding their results. I don't think
i took enough time with taking this subsidary image as it could of been alot better. The story
matched my photo, the story being ' A level exam records reaches new records '. I decided to
put a yellow outline around my picture as it made it stand out. I also did the same to my other
subsidary image because of the same reason. My second picture contained Year 7's playin rugby, in the picture they were practising line outs. I really liked this micture becasue the rest of my magazine was based on the more intellectual side of school and then this picture shows the sporty side of the school.
    I had one more sell line to put on. Originally I put it going across the bottom but i thought
it didnt really look right so i decided to move it to the top of the page. The sell line was
'Ex pupil rises to fame due to commonwealth glory'. The writing was wrote in white because i put a red high lighted block behind it was red and the white really stood out.
   If i had a chance to go back and change my magazine i would change the sell line going across the middle of the page because admittedly i didnt spend enough time on it. I would also retake the one subsidary image that included the three 6th formers and take it were there is better natural lighting.

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