Sunday 7 November 2010

Results of my questionnaire....

The questionnaire was given out to 10 pupils which had a range of ages and gender.
   One of my questions was ' how much would you be willing to spend on a magazine?'
The most popular price was £1-£2 and then the second popular was £0-£1, I thought i
would price my magazine at 80p as i think thats the appropriate price for a school
   The most common masthead that was choosen was Henrys gossip, picking up 6 votes.
News weekly picked up 3 votes and King henry's herald with 2 votes. Although News weekly
wasn't the favourite one,I think it is alot more formal and appropriate.
   For question 8, 'what subsidary image would you prefer' Pupils playing sport was the
 favourite, 8 pupils picked this option. The remaining 2 votes went to 6th formers with their results.
 So these two pictures will be featuring on my magazine cover.
   For question 9, ' What headline would you prefer ' The most commonly picked one was ' Ex pupil
rises to fame due to her commonwealth glory.' This picked up 9 votes the 1 remaining vote went to
' Year seven's survival guide'. Ex pupil rises to fame due to her commonwealth glory' will defiantely
be published on my front cover because i think its an intresting headline, it stands out and also
makes you want to read on.

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