Monday 9 May 2011

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

This is my final double page spread. My double page spread is focused on the main artist featured on the cover of my magazine, with a story focused on the artist. I feel my magazine conforms to a real magazine as this is evident with the idea's I used to create my double page below.
       The basic outline of the story that I was trying to achieve was that she was once a country girl but then reached her teenage years and turned into the typical teenager with attitude and all she wanted to do was sing and go out, Eliza then went through life changing experiences which made her go back to her country ways,I wanted this to show in my double page spread. I took the photos in my garden as I wanted the background to represent her upbringing. I purposely used the white bridge as I wanted the colour of the bridge to highlight her purity. I also used the grass and trees in the background of the photo as this also represented her upbringing. I also wanted the clothing in the picture to do this to, this is why I asked my model to wear this particular dress as I think it made her look innocent and young, which is reflecting her younger years. I decided to put a picture of Eliza when she was in the band as the stance of her pose shouts out attitude.
       The Heading 'The Comeback Kid' was Bold and followed my colour scheme and this made it stand out on the page , and I thought it would give an insight of what you would be expecting to read in the artical. The question and answer format is easy to follow, and I also asked certain qeustions that would make Eliza open up about her life which would make the reader feel apart of the interview. The pull quotes also followed the colour scheme and I also thought by matching the colours with the title they also would stand out from the page.

Existing Double Page spread Ideas...

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