Sunday 8 May 2011

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

When producing my magazine I used a variety of different technologies. These are all explined below...
I used a camera to take my pictures. Before taking my pictures I had to plan what kind of photo I was thinking of taking, for example would I be using a close up? Would I be keeping the background or editing it out? I tried to make my pictures reflect the artists identity, this was evident on my double page spread where I used the outdoors to review my artists love for nature.
Paint Shop Pro is a programme that is used to edit images. I used it to remove the background of my front cover image, I also used it to feather an image.
 Adobe InDesign is a software application produced by Adobe Systems. It can be used to create works such as posters, flyers, brochures, magazines and books. This alowed me to design and function a layout for my magazine.
As apart of the construction of my final product I used the internet to undergo research of exsisting magazines, this helped me acquire an understanding of the codes and conventions of music magazines.
Adobe bridge allowed me to bridge the photos from the camera to Adobe Indesign

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