Monday 9 May 2011

what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

Contents Page

The function of a contents page is to allow the reader to find the information they need by using page numbers so they can flick to the page they want easily. I made my numbers bold as they could stand out on the page for the reader to see, this followed the convections of a real contents page.
       The main image on my contents page was another picture in the gardens still representing the country girl Eliza once was. The colour scheme is still continuing as you can see on my contents page, this is so my magazine can flow. I took the idea of using a band finder from a magazine called 'NME.' I decided to put a bandfinder in my contents page as I thought it would give the reader an insight to who will be appearing in my magazine, this is also relating to my taregt audience as the kind of artists mentioned in the bandfinder would be the ones they would listen to. 

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