Tuesday 3 May 2011

Looking back to your preliminary task what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full production?

The preliminary task of the production was to create a school magazine front cover. This allowed me to get to grips with the technology I was going to be using for my final production.
  • You can see a clear improvement in the layout and design when comparing my final production with my preliminary task.
  • I'm not completely happy with my front cover as I think it was my weakest point in the production of all three pages. The main problem I had was fitting everything in without it looking cluttered but then not looking to boring.
  • I've learnt that the main image plays a huge role in where everything else is placed.
  • For the preliminary task you can see the pictures look out of place, it just looks to plain. This was a hige advantage to me as i could leanr not so much from my mistakes because i dont feel that i made mistakes more lack of understanding when it came to using the technology, and used this to plan my final product.
  • I am happy with my overall production as i feel that by following the codes and convections of magazines mine looks like it could be seen on a shelf with a few adaptions.


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